Practice Boundary & Out of Area Registration Policy

We are now able to register appropriate patients outside of our practice area. Patients who live within the area shown below, requiring a home visit, can be visited by a WHMC Clinician as clinically indicated.

  • Please Type your post code or town and county into the search below to find out whether you're within our boundries area.
  • Out of Area registrations is intended to help patients to facilitate face to face appointments for those who live or work nearby (catchment area).
  • Our default consulting mode is face to face. Patient should only book face to face appointments for any issue that may require a physical assessment. It is also helpful for mental health related issues to be seen in person. This is for us to be able to provide the most optimal care including from a clinical safety and efficiency perspective. Often it is unclear if an issue may require examination, so it generally better to book to come to be seen in person. Any one registering Out of Area should be able to attend the vast majority of their appointments in person and not struggle to do so.
  • Patients living outside of our area who require an urgent one off home visit can speak to 111 who will clinically assess the situation and advise if there is a local visiting option available
  • Any patient who is out of our practice area who is likely to require home visits or has mobility issues and would struggle to come in at short notice, should register with a GP that is local to them whose catchment area they fall within.
  • Similarly, any patient who has needs that require a locally based teams such as district nurses, mental health teams, psychiatry, health visitors and social care should register with a local surgery within their borough as there will be issues accessing these services linked to our practice.
  • We will also not be a part of or have access to any integrated local multidisplinary teams or other professional networks like primary care networks outside of our area.
  • Finally, all out of area patients registering with us should be able to commute easily to our surgery for appointments as well as to be able to access local services including investigations and blood taking services based at local services. 
  • In simple terms, out of area registrations are intended to make it easier for patients to see a GP and not the opposite.

In accordance with NHS out of area policy, registration through this scheme is at the discretion of the practice. We reserve the right to cancel the registration or deduct out of area patients where it is clinically inappropriate or unsafe.


Family members of existing patients registered prior to 1st November 2023 who are residing at the same address can register under the previous catchment area scheme – please speak to our reception if you have any queries in this regards.